The project involves three main phases:
1- Selection of 12 women’s CSOs. We will strengthen their capacities on conflict transformation and non-adversarial advocacy and will build an informal network among them to continue to speak in one voice.
2- Selection of 20 Media experts. We will build their capacity to report on the specific issues of women’s economic empowerment in their countries using Common Ground Media reporting.
3- Creating and executing a common advocacy campaign in addition to 3 workshops/discussions with religious leaders/male community stakeholders to insure their buy-in.
Project’s Targets:
A) First target group: CSOs that works towards women economic empowerment
B) Second target group: 20 Lebanese Media Professionals
C) Third target group: Religious scholars and male community leaders(to support the advocacy campaign)
This project funded by the U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative (U.S. MEPI), and is implementated by Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace (LFPCP) in partnership with Search for Common Ground (SFCG) – Lebanon.