Within the framework the USAID-funded “Building Alliances for Local Advancement, Development and Investment –Capacity Building (BALADI CAP)” project, the Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace (LFPCP) conducted its First high level steering committee meeting on the 9th of August 2018 to introduce the project to their partners and stakeholders, and to agree on general guidelines.
The meeting was spearheaded by Deputy Yassine Jaber MP Chair of the Parliamentary Committee in charge of following up on the implementation of laws, and with participation of MP Georges Okais, MP Alain Aoun, Mr. Ziad Hayek Secretary General of the Higher Council of Privatization and Partnership. Meanwhile the LFPCP team included Mr. Rabih Kays Project Director, Marie belle Torbey Project Coordinator and Dr. Antoine Messarra - President of the Foundation.
Also representatives of LTA participated in the meeting, and the Project experts.
The project “Enhancing Transparency in Public-Private Partnerships and Small and Medium Enterprises” is aimed to Support and advocate for a transparent and effective implementation of the PPP law, and Provide a legal framework favorable to the establishment and transparent functioning of SMEs as a main driver for economic growth.