On 27 and 28 of September 2018, a conference for Arab and European Judicial Studies, was held in Beirut – Lebanon. The conference / workshop aimed to be as a platform to exchange experiences and to provide an opportunity to adopt modern methods in developing trainee judges by benefiting from the best European practices.
The conference included in addition to the opening session, 5 main sessions which are:
1- Mechanisms for the selection and entry of trainee judges
2- Curricula based on international experiences
3- Methodologies and teaching approaches
4- Internships/ Practical training
5- Future Perspectives, and possibilities for exchanging expertise between MENA Judicial Institutes and Europe.
In the opening session, a number of speakers had opening words who are: Judge Jean Fahed, President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Nada Dakroub, Director of the Lebanese Institute for Judicial Studies, Dr. Anja Schoeller-Schletter, Head of the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Dr. Antoine Messarra, Chair of the Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace.
Lawyer Rabih KAYS was the Moderator of the opening ceremony.
At the other sessions of the workshop a number of papers were presented from the different participants of the Arab and European Institutes.
The conference was organized by the Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil peace, and in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Lebanese Parliament, and Lebanese Ministry of Justice – Lebanese Judicial Institute.
The conference took place under the patronage of the Minister of Justice.